10 Must-Have Accessories for Any Fitness Enthusiast

Fitness is a 24/7 hobby for many people. The fitness world is bustling with various fitness accessories at all price points. Choosing the best accessories for your needs can be hard with so many options. Whether you’re classing yourself as an athlete, a casual exerciser, or someone who watches their figure, you likely have some exercise routine and are looking to improve your game by adding to your training kit. If you need to buy new equipment regularly or upgrade your existing gear for more convenience, these ten must-have sports accessories will keep your training routine running smoothly.

  1. Electronic Step Counter

The average person takes around 3,000 steps in a day. If you push yourself to your limits in a 30-minute training routine, you may get close to 7,500 steps. That’s why it’s so important to increase your daily step count. Any health and fitness expert will tell you that the best way to motivate yourself is to track your progress. An easy way to do this is by using an electronic step counter. An electronic step counter can be added to any training equipment, but they’re also built into some common fitness technology like treadmills and ellipticals.

  1. Yoga Mat

Yoga is a great way to get fit without working up a sweat. Yoga mats are an essential part of any yoga workout. If your yoga routine is more of a practice than an intense workout, you may not need a full-sized mat. However, if you like deep into your poses, invest in a full mat to give you support and extra padding. If you plan on doing intense workouts or practicing yoga outdoors, invest in an even thicker mat with more cushioning.

  1. Headphones

If you enjoy long workouts, you probably listen to music regularly. Invest in a good pair of headphones for your fitness routine and listen to your favorite tunes to get you through long training sessions. If you’re working out at a crowded gym, at least you’ll have some tunes to distract yourself from the weird guy on the elliptical next to you with the inability to keep his eyes from wandering.

  1. Water Bottle

Water is the most important beverage on earth. You need it to keep yourself healthy, you need it to keep your bones strong, and you need it to keep your mind in shape. If you’re training regularly, water is essential to any fitness routine. A water bottle is probably the most important accessory in your training kit because you can’t complete a workout without hydration, and water is essential for physical and mental performance.

  1. Sneakers

The right running shoes can make or break your workout. The wrong pair of shoes can cause Achilles and ankle injuries, but the right ones will ensure you can complete every training step without pain. Invest in pairs specifically for athletes, like Nike’s Zoom Fly Running Shoes. They’ll ensure maximum cushioning and stability to push through every step of your training.

  1. Sports Bra

Ladies, if you’ve ever run down the street at a full sprint with your chest bouncing up and down in front of your face, you know what I’m talking about. A good sports bra will help keep your chest in place so you can run and work out without worrying about attracting every set of eyes. A sports bra can help you get in shape without stressing your breasts. Most of the time, they are made with a soft fabric that keeps the weight off of your chest and hips, even though you’re working out hard. They’re also designed to be adjustable to fit properly to give you a custom fit.

  1. Exercise Ball

An exercise ball is essential to any workout, especially if you’re trying to keep your core strong. An exercise ball is a cheap way to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. All you need to do is select the right ball for your height and get working out. If you’re doing sit-ups or other floor exercises, an exercise provides an extra balance challenge that will make each movement harder and more effective.

  1. Smartwatch

Most smartwatches can be used as fitness trackers. A smartwatch is a great way to track your training progress if you’re into getting fit or being a competitive athlete. Smartwatches connect to apps on your phone, so you can keep track of your progress every time you work out. Some smartwatches even have built-in GPS, so you can easily track how long it takes to run a mile in your favorite workout spot and improve over time.

  1. Gym Gloves

Investing in a good pair of gym gloves is important if you work out with weights regularly. A good pair of gloves can ensure you can maintain your workout routine even if you have minor hand injuries. If your hands are in pain and you can’t use them for a full workout, it’s much easier to bounce back from one day off than missing an entire week because your hands are too sore from lifting weights.

  1. Weightlifting Belt

If you’re serious about lifting weights and training at a high level, you must invest in a weightlifting belt. A weightlifting belt can help you get the most out of your workout by helping you maintain proper form so that you’re able to push yourself to the limit. Many gym-goers like to do dumbbell workouts with a partner so they have someone to spot them and ensure they lift correctly. A weightlifting belt is an essential accessory for your weight training bench if you don’t have a partner or just like the added support.


Investing in high-quality gear tailored to your specific needs, you’ll perform at your best, reduce the risk of injury, and reach your fitness goals. For Kenyans looking to order sports accessories, Jamboshoppe is a great option. With a wide selection of sports gear at affordable prices, Jamboshoppe is the go-to destination for all your fitness accessory needs. So, gear up and get ready to take your fitness journey to the next level with these essential sports accessories, and your body will thank you.

Hope: I write, I read, I chill; and then I write some more.