5 Important Questions Every lady should ask before choosing an outfit

I understand that you are eager to put on that adorable outfit, but you must first ask yourself some very significant questions. While taste and preference are highly significant, there are additional aspects to take into account when selecting the ideal attire.

In order to help you make the right choice of shirt, blouse, slacks, or dress to wear, we’ve compiled five crucial questions.

  1. Does the outfit fit?

When you first encounter an item on the rack or while online shopping, its general appearance will likely be what draws your attention to it. This can be used as a first filter to determine whether the item is appropriate for the look you are striving for. Examine each item closely, comparing its form, color, pattern, texture, and details to your season’s overall style concept.

If a shirt or dress fits your body shape exactly, it will look excellent on you. So, please go on to the next option if you discover that a dress does not fit your body type well.

  1. Can I wear the outfit the whole day?

The answer to what appears to be an obvious question is not so obvious. Will it begin to rain later? Will the shoes become uncomfortable by the second hour? Can I go an entire day without getting annoyed by the skirt that keeps going up? That is the type of question you must answer, and you must adjust your outfit accordingly. Your outfit (and makeup/hair) may feel and look best for the first hour, but later you’d feel like you want to change to something else that is more comfortable or brings out a different style. That is why it’s advisable you wear something that is comfortable and elegant to get you through the day/night.

Find an article we did on 7 Must-Have Wardrobe Outfits for Every Woman

  1. Does the Dress code really matter?

It was once said that there is a time for everything, and there is also an outfit for every occasion. If there is a glam event and you are expected to wear something appropriate, you should do so. If you’re unsure, do some research to find out the appropriate dress code. There are also times when the dress code is more of a silent normative expectation. For example, societal pressure to dress the same as everyone else. That is where and when you can deviate from the dress code. Why not wear all pink to work or a bold print? Fashion should be loud and speak for itself. When necessary, your overall outfit should be respectful and appropriate.

  1. Does the outfit complete me?

Without a doubt, the power of fashion is something to be respected. It all boils down to associations with other people and projecting the correct image. Dress appropriately for the job interview if you have one. Choose an outfit that helps you feel complete if you want to make a good impression. You don’t want to dress in anything that will make your skin tone or body type look bad. Representing yourself through the language of fashion is both absurd and gorgeous.

  1. Is the outfit Comfortable?

When it comes to donning any attire, comfort is essential. There is no sense if you are not at ease because it will undermine your self-assurance and composure. Wearing whatever you choose should be comfortable enough. Ignore the adage “fashion is pain”; suffering is not enjoyable. Avoid attempting to suffocate or cope. Choose an option that makes you feel confident and comfortable.

  1. Do my accessories match the outfit?

Always consider whether there is anything you can improve or add to your clothing. With the burgundy fedora hat, maybe it will seem even more stylish. Life is too short to worry about things like what other people might think of your appearance. Include the colorful scarf, the distinctive necklace, the bag with the interesting texture, or both. Be specific while enhancing your style with fashion accessories.

You can Also Read: 6 Fashion Accessories that will instantly make your Outfit standout


Folks! What questions do you ask yourself before leaving the house? Discuss in the comments section!

Hope: I write, I read, I chill; and then I write some more.