5 Unique Things Your Microwave Can Do Besides Reheating Food

Microwaves are commonplace in most homes. It is mostly used to heat, bake, or grill food. Did you know, that you have yet to fully utilize the capabilities of your microwave? Have you ever wondered how it can assist you in both ordinary and special situations? There are numerous applications, not all of them are related to cooking. Here are five things your microwave can do that you probably didn’t know.

  1. Helps in Cleaning the inside with ease

We all know the importance of vinegar when it comes to cleaning the inside and outside of appliances, including stainless steel. In a microwave-safe basin, heat some white vinegar for three minutes. The vinegar creates grime-fighting steam that makes cleaning up messes in the microwave a breeze.

  1. Make A Delicious Breakfast With Eggs

Forget about the pan and the risk of splattering butter or oil all over the stove. The microwave can prepare scrambled, poached, sunny-side up, or hard-boiled eggs in a matter of minutes, no matter how you want them. We promise that microwave-poached eggs will taste better than those poached on the stove! What’s the best part? You can use the time while the microwave is churning to prepare your toast and coffee/chai.

  1. Sterilize soil

Because soil can harbor pests, diseases, and weed seeds, sterilizing garden soil before planting is always a good idea to ensure the best growth and health of your plants. While you can buy sterile potting mixes to meet your needs, you can also learn how to sterilize soil quickly and efficiently at home.

There are a variety of methods for sterilizing garden soil at home. Steaming (with or without a pressure cooker) and heating the soil in the oven or microwave are two of them. Heat moist soil in a microwave-safe dish for 2 minutes. Allow it to cool before beginning to plant.

  1. Steam Vegetables

Microwave-steamed veggies can be utilized in a variety of ways, including rice dishes, just seasoning them and eating them, and turning them into a salad with dressing. Don’t bother with complicated steamers or boiling water on the stove. Simply steam your vegetables in a covered microwave-safe bowl with a little water, and you’re good to go!

  1. Disinfect Sponges

A lot of bacteria live on the kitchen sponge. They are damp for the most part and have pores where germs can hide and multiply. Instead of spreading bacteria across your kitchen, place the sponge in the microwave for 1 minute. Make sure it’s moist first. This is more convenient than using the dishwasher to clean it.

You can also read: Top 5 Best Table Top Microwave to buy in Kenya | Buyers Guide

Hope: I write, I read, I chill; and then I write some more.