7 Tips for Maintaining Your Fridge’s Power Efficiency

We all know that fridges are essential appliances in our daily lives, but have you ever wondered how to ensure they operate at their best while keeping your energy bills in check? This article will explore seven tips to help you maintain your fridge’s power efficiency, keeping your food fresh and your wallet happy.

  1. Clean the Coils Regularly

Keeping the coils clean is crucial for maintaining the power efficiency of your fridge. Over time, dust and dirt accumulate on the coils, hindering proper heat transfer and forcing the compressor to work harder. To clean the coils, first, unplug the fridge. Locate the coils, usually found at the back or beneath the fridge. Gently brush off the accumulated dirt and use a vacuum cleaner to remove any remaining debris. Regularly cleaning the coils will ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.

  1. Set the Right Temperature

Finding the sweet spot regarding temperature settings is essential for power efficiency. The recommended temperature range for a fridge is between 35°F (1.7°C) and 38°F (3.3°C). Freezers should be set to 0°F (-18°C) or slightly below. By maintaining these temperature settings, your fridge will operate efficiently, preserving food while minimizing energy consumption. A frosty build-up in your freezer consumes extra energy and reduces its cooling efficiency. Make it a habit to defrost your freezer regularly to keep it running smoothly. Defrosting prevents ice from forming and insulating the coils, enabling them to work efficiently and save on power consumption. Keeping your fridge within these recommended temperature ranges prevents it from working harder than necessary to cool the contents. This not only saves energy but also keeps your food fresh for longer.

  1. Organize and Optimize the Contents

An organized fridge makes it easier to find your favourite snacks and helps with power efficiency. Place similar items together, allowing you to access them quickly and minimize the time the fridge door remains open. Additionally, ensure sufficient space between items to promote proper air circulation, preventing cold spots and potential food spoilage.

  1. Avoid Overstuffing

Resist the temptation to overstuff your fridge. Overpacking restricts airflow and prevents efficient cooling. When the fridge is overcrowded, the compressor has to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. Optimize the space by removing unnecessary items and ensuring adequate air space to circulate freely.

  1. Check the Door Seals

Faulty door seals are a common culprit behind energy inefficiency in fridges. Over time, the door seals may wear out or damage, leading to cool air leaks. Regularly inspect the door seals for any signs of wear, tears, or gaps. To test the effectiveness of the seals, close the fridge door on a piece of paper. If you can easily pull out the paper, it’s time to replace the seals to improve energy efficiency.

  1. Allow Air Circulation

Proper air circulation is vital for your fridge’s power efficiency. Avoid placing your fridge in a tight corner or against a wall. Leave sufficient space around the fridge to allow hot air to dissipate and cold air to circulate. This will reduce the strain on the compressor, resulting in better energy efficiency and a prolonged appliance lifespan.

  1. Defrost Regularly

Frost build-up in your fridge can hinder its performance and increase energy consumption. Always defrost your fridge regularly, especially when the frost layer exceeds 1/4 inch. Defrosting improves energy efficiency and prevents frost from damaging the cooling components. If your fridge has a manual defrost option, use it regularly. Excess ice build-up on the freezer coils can hinder proper cooling and force the fridge to consume more energy. Set a schedule for defrosting and follow it diligently. Remove all the food from the freezer, turn off the fridge, and allow the ice to melt naturally. Once defrosted, wipe the interior clean and turn the fridge back on. This practice will help maintain your fridge’s power efficiency. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on defrosting and enjoy the benefits of a frost-free and energy-efficient fridge.


Maintaining your fridge’s power efficiency is wise for your budget and the environment. By following the seven tips outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your fridge operates optimally, saving energy and reducing your carbon footprint. Jamboshop is your go-to online shopping destination when buying the best fridges in Kenya. With an extensive range of top-quality fridges, including the best brands, affordable options, and energy-efficient models, Jamboshop has everything you need to find the perfect fridge for your home. As Kenya’s best online shopping site, Jamboshop offers a diverse selection of fridges from top brands like Samsung, LG, Hisense, Ramtons, Von Hotpoint, and Bruhm. Visit Jamboshop’s website today to explore their extensive collection of fridges and find the perfect one that fits your needs and budget. By purchasing an energy-efficient fridge from Jamboshop, you enjoy the benefits of reduced energy consumption and contribute to a greener future. With Jamboshop’s reliable service and competitive prices, you can trust them to provide a seamless shopping experience. Start optimizing your fridge’s power efficiency and make a smart choice with Jamboshop!


Hope: I write, I read, I chill; and then I write some more.