8 Home Gym accessories to get you in the perfect shape- 2022

Since many gyms and fitness studios are still adjusting to the pandemic, it’s critical to choose the best at-home workout equipment for your area, equipment that will allow you to move and exercise at home without losing momentum toward your fitness goals until we are given the all-clear to resume our normal activities without risk of infection.

For this reason, allow us to present some of the must-have accessories for your at-home gym that you should think about purchasing now or in the future.

  1. Dumbbells

The great thing about dumbbells is that they can be used to replace any movement that would normally be performed with a barbell. Instead of a traditional back squat with a barbell, squat with a dumbbell on each shoulder for a comparable result. Bench presses can be substituted for dumbbell presses, and traditional deadlifts can be substituted for dumbbell variants.

You don’t have to stick to just one set of dumbbells when you can have several sets of varying weights for different intensities. Furthermore, certain activities may necessitate lighter weights in order to avoid injury.

  1. Kettle Bells

The workouts you can do with a kettlebell are nearly limitless, making it the most versatile and functional piece of equipment to have in your home gym. From single-leg deadlifts to swings, a kettlebell allows for a variety of strength routines in a small space.

Don’t be fooled by their small stature. These small but substantial accessories can be used in a variety of workouts, ranging from strength training to plyometric exercises. They come in a variety of weights and colors and can be used to supplement your daily activities and routines.

  1. Ab- Wheel/Roller

The Ab Roller is Ideal Workout equipment because it is comfortable, adaptable, and simple to use. Despite its small size, the ab wheel is extremely powerful. This attachment appears to be simple to use, but the movement provides a distinct burn.

Begin by grasping the ergonomic handles of the ab roller and performing an ab rollout. Then, in a modified push-up position, perform a modified push-up with your knees on the ground and your hands (still grasping the ab roller) directly below your shoulders. Then, while keeping your core engaged, slowly push the ab roller forward before rolling it back in for one rep.

  1. Yoga Mats

A yoga mat is useful not only for yoga, but also for any other floor-based workouts you do at home, such as pushups, crunches, planks, and other ab exercises. It’s one of the simplest products to install in your home: simply place the mat on a hardwood floor and you’re ready to go. Their lightweight design facilitates storage and mobility.

  1. Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are versatile pieces of equipment that can be used for a variety of exercises, including mobility and warm-ups; however, that is not their only application! These bands can be used for a variety of strength-training exercises, including upright rows, lateral rows, and triceps extensions.

While they don’t provide the same level of intensity as a barbell or dumbbell, resistance bands are an excellent choice not only for your home gym but also for when you’re on the go and don’t have access to regular gym equipment.

There are four bands of varying intensities (yellow = light, green = medium, blue = heavy, and black = extra heavy), so you can use them for a variety of activities (or keep extras for group workouts)

  1. Jump/Skipping Ropes

Jump ropes may bring back childhood memories, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use them now that you’re older. This accessory is extremely valuable for improving cardiovascular fitness. Jump ropes are also easy to store in any area of the home gym, gym bag, or suitcase, ensuring that you don’t miss a beat while traveling.

  1. Exercise Ball

Among other things, this multi-purpose training ball can be used to improve posture, balance, and core stability. Balancing balls are commonly associated with birth balls, but performing Pilate’s exercises on one can be challenging. In terms of creating a less stable foundation, it has the same effect as finishing your mat routine on a foam roller.

  1. Gym Bag

So, even though you’d be working out at home, you may be perplexed by this one, but stick with us! You could argue that a gym bag is unnecessary in your area because all of the equipment you need is right in front of you. A gym bag, on the other hand, can be used for a number of different things.

When working out at home, a gym bag can help you save space. Smaller accessories, such as wrist wraps, knee sleeves, barbell clamps, and liquid chalk, can be stored in a carryall to keep your home gym neat, tidy, and out of the way.


As we near the end of this list of must-have home gym gadgets, we’ll offer some advice. Even if you don’t require all of the items listed above, you can always rely on them. When looking for the right equipment, consider Jambo Shoppe for all of your home gym supplies, accessories, and everything in between. Please browse our online catalog or come in to see our top-of-the-line exercise equipment.

Hope: I write, I read, I chill; and then I write some more.