Best Bulbs to buy in Kenya – Buyers Guide 2022

Although shopping for light bulbs may appear to be a straightforward activity, there are several considerations to consider. We’ll look at the greatest bulbs in Kenya and the various categories they fall into in this article. We’ll also look at things to think about when purchasing one, such as the various categories, how the distinctions in categories affect your decision, and how efficient each is in terms of energy savings, efficiency, performance, and cost-effectiveness.

  1. Led Bulbs

LED which stands for “light-emitting diode, is a bulb made out of cutting-edge technology. Previously, these bulbs could only be used in specialist lamps, but now they may be used in any lamp or light socket with a normal screw-in connector.

While the bulbs last longer and use less energy, they focus light in one direction rather than distributing it over the room. As a result, they’re ideal for illuminating a precise area and not good for huge spaces/halls.

When it comes to brightness, Led lights allow you to pick between multiple levels of brightness. It’s worth noting that when purchasing a led bulb, look for Lumens rather than Watts to determine brightness.

  1. Fluorescent bulbs

Incandescent and fluorescent lights were the mainstays of both commercial and household lighting before LED bulbs became available. Incandescent bulbs were once the industry norm, but new energy-efficient standards for basic light bulbs are now required by law.

The bulb works in such a way that the filament inside is heated to the point of blazing. The bulb’s light is produced by the glowing filament. This bulb has a one-year lifespan, and its main benefit is that it can be used with a dimmer switch, which can help save energy and money.

  1. Fluorescent bulbs

Fluorescent bulbs are often referred to as “second-generation” bulbs because they were introduced after incandescent bulbs and are the second most popular.

When power is given to fluorescent bulbs or tubes, mercury vapor is released, which emits ultraviolet (UV) light. Inside the bulbs/tubes is a layer that converts UV rays to visible light. They consume less energy than incandescent bulbs and are perfect for workplaces, kitchens, corridors, and other spaces where a big amount of light is required. Fluorescent bulbs also produce 75% less heat than incandescent lamps, so they use less energy to keep rooms cool. Fluorescent lights come in a variety of hues, which is achieved by altering the phosphor content of the bulb.

These are more efficient and long-lasting, but they have a high maintenance cost and must be replaced frequently.

  1. CCTV bulbs

This is a technology that allows for the installation of hidden cameras for the purposes of security and monitoring. The majority of the bulbs utilized in this operation are Led bulbs. CCTV bulbs often have a hidden camera, are powered by the bulb socket, and require a WIFI connection as well as a website or app to work.

How it works:

After receiving your CCTV bulb, insert it in the socket like you would a regular light, then turn on your device’s WIFI and search for available devices, then connect to the bulb. After that, go to the manufacturer’s website and register an account, then test whether the camera is working by having someone move about the bulb camera’s field of view; if you’re alone, you may also use a device showing a movie to see whether there’s any movement. A simple do-it-yourself product that is a must in every household. Good for keeping an eye on your kids when you are not around or at work.

  1. Bluetooth bulbs

These LED light bulbs have a built-in Bluetooth speaker, allowing you to remotely stream your music. Color-changing technology that is linked with music or maybe lit independently is also available, with up to 16 hues to suit any occasion or mood.


Key Factors to consider when buying bulbs in Kenya

  • Cost- This is a crucial factor to consider; it’s worth mentioning that LED bulbs have a low maintenance cost but a higher purchase price. Others may have a lower purchase price but a high maintenance price.
  • Color- If you’re looking for a specific color, the table below can assist you in your search. The color of a bulb is usually determined by the amount of heat it produces. The chart below can assist you in making your decision.

  • Brightness- Because the brightness, or lumen levels, of the lights in your home might vary significantly, here’s a general rule of thumb: If you want a dimmer light, choose one with fewer lumens; if you prefer brighter light, choose one with more lumens. E.g. if you want to replace a 100watt incandescent bulb, look for a bulb that produces roughly 1600 lumens.


Best bulbs in Kenya

  1. Philips bulbs

This is by far the most well-known and dominant bulb brand on the planet. It’s also one of Kenya’s greatest lighting systems used. The company has produced bulbs in all three categories: led, fluorescent, and incandescent.

  1. Ensave bulbs

Prestige distributors, a Kenyan firm that specializes in bulb imports, brings us the Ensave bulbs. The company’s primary focus is on energy-saving lights, such as LED and fluorescent lamps. Their bulbs are available in 3 watts, 5 watts, 7 watts, 9 watts, and 11-watt sizes and are guaranteed to save up to 90% on electricity. They come in a variety of bright attractive hues such as red, green, and blue, and they don’t contain toxic mercury, making them suitable for non-hazardous trash disposal.

  1. Tronic bulbs

TRONIC Kenya is a prominent provider of electrical and lighting solutions in the Middle East and Africa for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. They help you save money on energy without sacrificing performance, efficiency, or comfort. They are also dedicated to offering you a wide choice of dependable, high-quality, and reasonably priced bulbs.


Also, to read an article we did about Simple DIY solar light systems for your home, click here 

Hope: I write, I read, I chill; and then I write some more.