10 Best Home Essentials for your Pantry, Fridge and your House – Jamboshop

Let’s take a moment to speak about stocking up on a few necessary home essentials while we wait for the year to conclude.

Remind yourself that storing up does not equate to hoarding. We advise you to buy enough basics to last until you run out, but we do not advocate buying in large quantities to trick the market into thinking there is a scarcity and cause a panic.

Here is a list of things you absolutely need as you transition to staying at home:

  1. The Pantry

Rice and Grains

Cultures have relied on the potent duo of rice and beans for millennia as a cheap source of nutritional fiber and complete protein that keeps stomachs satisfied.

Experts advise that whole grains like green grams, beans, barley, wheat berries, or bulgur can be prepared in large quantities and utilized in salads and soups throughout the week.


In a cold, dry pantry or the freezer for up to a year, rice and whole grains kept in airtight containers can last for up to six months. Although they can be kept in the pantry for one to three months or in the freezer for up to six months, ground whole grains will decay more quickly.

Canned or Jarred Fish

Look for substitute proteins like canned fish as fresh meat and chicken may not be available to you. Salmon and tuna in cans are a tasty and nourishing complement to salads or croquettes. Sardines in a can are a tasty addition to rice meals, spaghetti sauces, and crackers as an appetizer. Additionally, fish in cans is a fantastic source of zinc, which strengthens your immune system and is a perfect addition to a diet that promotes heart health.


Given that it is shelf-stable, available in a variety of sizes and shapes, and has a version for every diet, dried pasta is one of the greatest items you can keep on hand. Pasta also pairs nicely with a variety of flavors, so you can use it in pan-Asian and traditional Italian dishes alike. After being prepared, food might be served hot or cold, as a component of a bigger dish, or as the main attraction.

Cooking Oil and Condiments

It’s essential to stock your pantry with condiments like mayonnaise, mustard, relish, vinegar, spicy sauce, and soy sauce. Make sure to read the labels to determine which sauces should go in the refrigerator after opening and which can be stored in the pantry.

Make sure you have adequate storage for your cooking oil or cooking fat, as this is one of the most important items you should stock up on. Depending on how much you cook, how many people you cook for, and how much oil you use to cook, 5-liter cooking oil should last you about a month before you need to buy another. The good thing about Jamboshop is that we have a wide range of cooking oils ranging from 1 liter to 20 liters, depending on your budget.

Long life Milk

Shelf-stable or UHT milk is useful to keep on hand whether it is made from dairy or plants. Although some must be refrigerated once they are opened, so be sure to read and abide by the instructions on the package.


Make sure you have everything you need at home for your daily dose of Tea or coffee. You can spice it up by adding tea masala or even cinnamon to your tea and enjoy the different blasts of flavors you’ll get.

  1. The Fridge


Every meal of the day can be made using eggs because they keep nicely in the refrigerator. From your morning scramble to your afternoon quiche to your evening fried rice, as well as other baking tasks in between. You can retain some raw eggs for cooking and some hard-boiled eggs for snacking or simple egg salad. Eggs are a good substitution for protein when you want to cut down on meat.

Yogurt and Fresh juice

These dairy protein powerhouses are excellent for breakfast or a snack, and they can even be added to other meals like pancakes or sauces. They can stay fresh for up to a month if stored well in the fridge. You can also stock up on fresh juice that can act as a good substitution for your everyday tea during your morning breakfast.


You do not want to run out of butter if you plan to bake and cook. In the freezer, keep the half-stick brands you find and remove what you need as you require it.

  1. The Rest of the House


It’s just as crucial to prepare your medicine cabinet as your pantry, so aim to maintain a two-week supply of any prescription drugs or dietary supplements on hand as well as your go-to flu and cold remedies in case of any seasonal illnesses.

Stock up on necessities like diapers, formula, and some vitamin supplements if you have kids in case they get sick and require a quick dose of protein or a replacement for their electrolytes.

Last but not least, if you are indeed stranded at home for a few weeks, you won’t be as active as usual, so make an effort to move around as much as you can. Use an app or online fitness video, go for a walk around the house, stretch, do yoga, or dance around the room.


Hope: I write, I read, I chill; and then I write some more.