Stocking your bar is an exciting and fun way to add a new dimension of interest to your home. Some of the greatest feelings in the world for a man are brought about by creating drinks for family and friends or just sitting and enjoying your creations after a long day’s work! With some planning and organization, you can create a well-stocked home bar perfect for entertaining guests or enjoying a nightcap after a long day. This guide will walk you through stocking your home bar, including the essential liquors, mixers, and tools you’ll need. Our handy tips will get you into the home-bar game in no time!

Determine Your Budget

This will help you decide which types of liquor and mixers to purchase and how much of each item you can afford. If you’re working with a limited budget, focus on purchasing the essential liquors and mixers first and then add them to your collection over time.

Choose Your Liquors

When it comes to liquor, you should have several essential types on hand. These include:

  1. Vodka: Vodka is a versatile liquor used in a wide range of cocktails. Look for a high-quality vodka that’s smooth and clean-tasting.
  2. Gin: Gin is a staple in classic cocktails like the Martini gin and tonic. Choose a London dry gin for a traditional flavour.
  3. Rum: Rum is a sweet, tropical liquor perfect for cocktails like the daiquiri and the piña colada. Look for a light rum for mixing and a dark rum for sipping.
  4. Tequila: Tequila is a must-have for margaritas and other tequila-based cocktails. Opt for 100% agave tequila for the best flavour.
  5. Whiskey: Whiskey is a complex and flavorful liquor that can be used in a wide range of cocktails. Bourbon is a great choice for beginners, while rye whiskey is perfect for more advanced palates.

Stock Up on Mixers

Once you’ve chosen your liquors, it’s time to stock up on mixers. These are the non-alcoholic ingredients you’ll use to create your cocktails. Some essential mixers to have on hand include:

  1. Simple syrup: Simple syrup is a mixture of sugar and water to sweeten cocktails.
  2. Bitters: Bitters are a concentrated flavouring agent that can add depth and complexity to cocktails. Angostura bitters are a classic choice.
  3. Citrus juice: Lemon, lime, and orange juice are essential for many cocktails. Always use fresh-squeezed juice for the best flavour.
  4. Club soda: Club soda is carbonated water that adds fizz to cocktails.
  5. Tonic water: Tonic water is carbonated water flavoured with quinine. It’s an essential ingredient in the gin and tonic.

Choose your tools

  • Cocktail shaker: A cocktail shaker is used to mix and chill cocktails. Look for a shaker with a built-in strainer for easy pouring.
  • Pitcher and glass: If you’re interested in stocking a home bar, you will need somewhere to keep your drinks. This is where a pitcher and glass come in handy. Not only can they be used to store alcoholic drinks, but they are also perfect for storing non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Bar mops: After pouring your people’s drinks, you must keep your bar free of spills or marks so it can be used for the next drinker.
  • Jigger: A jigger is used for measuring out shots of alcohol and some other liquids, such as soda, water and juice. When choosing a jigger, look for one with the measurements written on it already.
  • Salad servers: A salad server is a perfect utensil for serving drinks. They are designed with one handle, unlike a drinking glass with two, making them more convenient for pouring.
  • Grater: In many cocktails, they are used to grate herbs and spices, including nutmeg and cinnamon. They’re also great for grating chocolate, cheese or zest.
  • Stirrer: A stirrer is an essential tool for mixing drinks, especially ones that require stirring, like cocktails.
  • Muddler: A muddler crushes ingredients like fruit and herbs to release their flavour.

Organize Your Home Bar

Once you’ve purchased your liquors, mixers, and tools, it’s time to organize your home bar. This will make finding the ingredients you need when making a cocktail easy. Some tips for organizing your home bar include:

  1. Group similar items together: Keep all your liquors together in one area, and group your mixers and tools together as well. This will make it easy to find what you need when making a cocktail.
  2. Labelling everything: Use labels or tags to identify each bottle of liquor and mixer. This will make it easy to find what you need, even if you’re unfamiliar with the brand or type of ingredient.
  3. Storing items properly: Store your liquor bottles upright in a cool, dark place to help preserve their flavour. Keep your mixers and tools in a cabinet or drawer, and make sure everything is clean and dry before putting them away.

Get Started

You’re never too old to have fun. Whether it’s getting some ice cream with the kids or using your mad cocktail skills and adding a home bar, you will be remembered as the life of any party! Jamboshoppe has a variety of cool stuff to stock your home bar. We have the perfect drinks collection for you! If you’re a gin lover, whiskey enthusiast, or an ardent wine aficionado, a variety of drinks are in stock right now. We bring the coolest bar accessories to your doorstep, which will inspire you to create some exceptional cocktails. Choose from a range of bitters and flavoured syrup syrups, giving your drink something special that’ll take it over the top. So go ahead and start stocking your bar today – your taste buds will thank you!


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