Sustainable Home Decor: Eco-Friendly Ideas for a Greener Home

Sustainable home decor is a rising trend among environmentally-conscious individuals looking to create green homes. Hundreds of people take pride in the beauty and comfort of their homes every day. However, what is hidden behind closed doors significantly impacts our planet’s health and well-being. Many people don’t know how their home décor contributes to a less sustainable life. A greener and more sustainable home can be achieved through small changes. Come along for some eco-friendly ideas for creating a house that is kind to the environment while providing beauty, warmth, and comfort.

  1. Grow Indoor Plants

Home décor that is beautiful, functional, and sustainable is easily achievable with the help of indoor plants. Plants remove carbon dioxide from the air, reduce humidity, and provide oxygen. Plants will help remove pollutants such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene. The plants will also help fight off dust mites and mold from forming and create humidity to eliminate dryness. Many trained gardeners own greenhouses or terrariums used to grow their plants. Take time to learn how to plant and care for your indoor plants. They will provide your home décor with beauty, benefits, and a little nature.

  1. Change Your Lighting

LED lights are more efficient and environmentally friendly than other conventional light sources. It is suggested that you replace all the lights in your home with either LED or fluorescent lighting. Some people may be scared off by their initial costs, but they will positively impact your wallet in the long run by saving you money on your energy bill. Translucent roofs that reflect light and heat make the house warmer, making it ideal for living in. Compared to traditional glass roofs, they reflect roughly three times as much heat and sound.

  1. Buy Sustainable Furniture

Sustainable furniture is a great way to create a greener home. Keep in mind that there are many sustainable materials used in production, and some of these include salvaged wood, reclaimed wood, unfinished wood, and recycled steel. Many furniture pieces made from these materials are not only beautiful but durable as well. You can find many stores that sell used or refurbished furniture for much cheaper. You can also make some of your furniture with the help of the Do It Yourself websites filled with information on different crafts and steps to making your couch or table.

  1. Go Plastic Free

There are many alternatives to using plastic; they are better for the environment and will save you money in the long run. Many stores sell reusable grocery bags much better than plastic bags that end up in landfills. Also, invest in reusable containers instead of disposable dishes like paper plates and plastic cups. You can find them at most supermarkets and department stores. Plus, washing them is a lot easier than you think! Choose furniture made from wood, bamboo, or other natural materials. Avoid plastic as much as possible. Opt for natural fibers like cotton, wool, and linen for textiles. These materials are biodegradable and much less harmful to the environment.

  1. Switch to Solar

Solar panels light up your house’s rooms and provide you with a renewable energy source. The sun will charge your solar panel in a few hours during the day, and you can use it at night when relaxing or studying. You can also help save the environment by choosing an eco-friendly lamp from better light, which uses LED bulbs that do not contain mercury.

  1. Use Low VOC Paint

There are many different types of paint on the market, but choosing those low in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) is important. When choosing paint, focus on the ingredients list to determine what additives are used. Many paints these days contain polyvinyl chloride or formaldehyde. Choose a paint made with water-based paints with no VOCs, and Eco-conscious home decor can be done at home. Water-based paints will eliminate the need to use toxic chemicals in your house.

  1. Create a Recycling Center

It is important to recycle as much waste from your home as possible. Recycling will help reduce the amount of waste in landfills, and it can be a fun house project for the whole family. For instance, you can build a recycling center from an old filing cabinet or bookshelf. You can store all your recycling bins in it and use the recycled materials to create crafts or even sell them at fairs. Recycling is important because it reduces the amount of waste in landfills. Many materials, like the recycling center project, can be used to create a fun and functional project.

  1. Use Eco-friendly Cleaners

You can choose the more environmentally friendly and sustainable cleaners, such as biodegradable or low-VOC cleaning products. Many people don’t realize that many cleaners, such as formaldehyde, contain harmful chemicals that can worsen your health. Remember to read the labels on containers to ensure you use safe, healthy cleaners. Also, always store these products out of reach of children and pets because the ingredients can be harmful if ingested.

Final Thoughts  

Home decor can be just as sustainable as it is beautiful. The key is to be mindful of what you purchase and use in your house. Once you get into the habit of using more sustainable products, it will become second nature to look for greener options when making your next purchase. Jamboshoppe offers you a selection of green and organic home decor. Please visit us now to purchase your favorite organic and green home decor products. Jamboshoppe is a resource for all things green. From sustainable cleaning products to eco-friendly furniture, Jamboshoppe has what you need to help make your home more eco-friendly.

Hope: I write, I read, I chill; and then I write some more.