Fragrances can be a powerful tool to enhance your style and leave a lasting impression on those around you. However, wearing fragrances can be tricky, and it’s easy to go wrong. There are a lot of fragrances on the market today, and all have their own set of properties. But when it comes to wearing them, it’s important to pick the right scent and follow certain rules. Here are some dos and don’ts of wearing fragrances.

DO: Cleanse Your Skin Regularly

The skin on your body is just as important to care for as your face. Daily cleansing will help remove unwanted toxins and make the scent last longer. Bacteria can build up on your skin and cause a less-than-pleasant smell. A daily cleansing routine is also beneficial because it will help to remove dirt before you apply any fragrance on yourself or have a shower.

DON’T: Douse Yourself in Fragrance Products

You may think more is better, but this isn’t always true regarding fragrance products. The best method is to apply just a few drops at a time, as it can be easy to go overboard. If you’re using a strong fragrance product, applying just one drop at a time will help keep the smell from overpowering. Try and apply fragrance products in different places on your body for more coverage and to help the scent last longer throughout the day.

DO: Layer Your Scents

Fragrance layering is an easy way to create your own scent without spending too much money on expensive scents. This can also help with the longevity of the scent if you happen to find yourself in an area warmer or cooler than where you started. Layer your scents in different areas of your body to help make the scent last longer.

DON’T: Spray Fragrance Near Your Eyes

Spraying fragrance around your eyes is a big no-no. The chemicals in the perfumes can be very irritating, and they can cause damage to your eyesight. Please keep your eye area clean, so you don’t accidentally splash or spray any of the product into them. Avoid spraying right above your mouth as well, as it is common for the product to drip down and cause an undesirable taste.

DO: Wear What Works For You

Whether you are looking at it from a man’s or a woman’s perspective, it is important to remember that what works on someone else may not work on you. When it comes to fragrance products, this can be especially true. Fragrance scents and body chemistry can vary from person to person. If you notice you aren’t a fan of a popular perfume with your peers or coworkers, don’t force yourself to try it out. You will only end up wasting that perfume and money.

DON’T: Rub Your Fragrance

Rubbing any fragrance product into your skin can irritate and break out the product. Only a small amount of pure perfume must be applied on your skin, and if you did try rubbing it in, it would take longer for the scent to develop. Using a lot of pure perfume can be unsettling, as the scent can smell similar to a medical or cleaning product. If you are trying something new, use only a pea-sized amount to see how you like it, and add more when necessary.

DO: Apply Perfume on Your Pulse Points

When applying perfume, always try to apply it to your body’s pulse points. These are areas where the arteries are closest to the skin’s surface and where you can feel your heartbeat. They are the best places to apply scents because it’s where the body can catch a whiff as you walk by. Picking different pulse points for men and women will help to make your scent last longer.

DON’T: Mix Fragrances

Mixing your perfume with other products is a no-no. There could be an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the other product, or they can cause the scent to dissipate more quickly. Even if you are wearing mostly one fragrance, having a separate product for your body and hair is important. If you use a product with too much of one or even multiple scents, you may get whiffs of another different scent from both in your nose and on your clothing. You can also waste money on products that aren’t intended for mixing.

DO: Store In a Dry, Dark, and Cool Place

Proper storage can help the shelf life of your products, and it can also help to prevent any unwanted smells. If you store your beauty products in a dark, dry place, they will be less susceptible to damage from sunlight and heat. If you use your beauty products faster than you may want to, try storing them in the refrigerator. The cool temperature can help keep the smell fresh longer.


Fragrances are a powerful tool to help enhance your style and leave a lasting impression on those around you. They have an amazing ability to invoke certain feelings and memories and can help you form relationships with those around you. Jamboshoppe stocks a wide range of the best perfume brands and scents. Ordering from Jamboshoppe is simple, quick, and secure. Why not browse our fragrance range today?


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