If you own a car, particularly one manufactured between 2005 and 2018, you should consider investing in some technological upgrades that will improve your overall driving experience.

The tech upgrades listed here are mostly for people buying used cars from previous years. These are vehicles that do not necessarily include these technological features. Many people are unaware that you can change many aspects of your car to give it a more modern appearance.

The following features will be discussed:

  1. Change your infotainment system

A new car infotainment system is a must-have upgrade. Replace your vehicle’s head unit with one that supports Android Auto or Apple Car Play. There are numerous such head units available from Sony, Pioneer, JVC, and other manufacturers.

The majority of them are compatible with both Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. That is, one upgrade serves both users. There are some that support wired connections; these are the less expensive ones. Then there are the extremely expensive models that support wireless connections.

Changing the head unit can be a difficult task, so hire a professional. You’ll be getting a completely new infotainment system.

With Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, you can drive anywhere thanks to Google Maps. It means you can interact with various apps, notifications, and other features. This is something your car’s stock head unit does not provide.

  1. Front and rear dash cam

This is also an essential addition. Many of the recently released vehicles may include some kind of dash cam. However, almost every old car did not. And dash cams are essential. Particularly as evidence when something goes wrong.

It is a technological upgrade that will remain in the background. You won’t get to interact with it very often. However, it will come in handy if you have a problem or if something happens to your car.

  1. New car Audio system

If you love and trust your speakers, the last technological upgrade is optional. However, if they do not satisfy you, it is time to change them.

When replacing your speakers, you can go the extra mile and include a subwoofer. However, that isn’t necessary because having 4-8 speakers (depending on your car) is sufficient.

When undertaking this upgrade, professional assistance is absolutely required. This is due to the fact that car speakers are typically found in locations that are difficult to access. Also, depending on the speakers you choose, they may need to be tuned.

Good speakers will improve your driving experience, especially when traveling long distances. If you enjoy listening to music or podcasts while driving, this is a must-have upgrade if your speakers have failed you.

What other enhancements do you recommend? Please list them below.

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