Ladies, bad hair days are inevitable, especially when you lack the time, talent, or patience for a proper hair regimen. And while it’s tough to properly care for your hair on a bad day, those days can become weeks or months of lacklustre locks. But never fear! This article has some excellent tips to help you keep your healthy-looking hair in check and look sleek. So pour yourself some coffee, and let’s get started!

  1. Drink Lots of Water

Everyone knows that staying hydrated is good for your health. But did you know drinking water is a surefire way to maintain healthy hair? That’s right, your daily drink of water is great for getting rid of frizz and repairing split ends! Besides keeping your hair clean and shiny, water also helps to remove build-up from styling products. So remember to take a big gulp at least once a day!

  1. Wash Up to Twice a Week

Although it may sound counterintuitive, washing your hair daily will strip the natural oils from your scalp and dry out strands. Your scalp gets about 60% of its moisture from sebum oil, so scrubbing it with soap more than twice a day will become over-productive as it tries to replace what’s been lost. The result? Greasy roots are less prone to breakage or external damage.

  1. Don’t Pick

Although there’s no evidence that daily pulling on your hair causes hair loss or breakage, too many yankings may cause you to lose a lot of hair quickly. Most of your hairs are made up of roots and the skin that surrounds them, so if you’re tearing out the end while still leaving most of the root behind, you could see quite a bit of damage done. Instead, gently massage your scalp with the fingertips of one hand using a circular motion. It will help with blood circulation and remove toxins that may have accumulated under your fingers.

  1. Use a Styling Product

Even if you know that your hair type doesn’t need it, using a styling product on your hair will help to maintain the growth of your strands. For example, use a volume-boosting conditioner if you’re growing out your bangs. But if you have long hair already, don’t use one unless it’s specifically designed for an ingredient or process to work with naturally curly or wavy hair. If you have hair down to your waist and use a volumizing product, it could make your hair look stringy and unclean because of its thickness.

  1. Avoid Heat

Depending on the type of styling products that you use, heat can damage your hair. Applying heat to your strands to straighten them can damage them. If you must use a product like this, do it on damp (not wet) hair and apply a heat protectant so that most of the heat goes into styling rather than frying your strands. You should also avoid blow drying your hair whenever possible, or at least minimize its use by investing in a quality dryer (you get what you pay for).

  1. Eat Fruit and Vegetables

In addition to helping maintain a healthy weight, eating fruit and vegetables regularly will help you maintain healthy locks. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants which will guard against free radicals that can damage your strands. Also, consuming more than 100 calories from vegetable sources has been shown to have a preventive effect on hair loss.

  1. Get Your Act Together

Stress can take a serious toll on your body, including the growth of your hair and its overall health. If you have a stressful job or home life, consider using meditation techniques or even just taking some time each day to focus on what’s important to you to relax. You may be able to feel and see the difference in your hair after just a few weeks of regular use.

  1. Be Gentle With Wet Hair

Gentle handling of your wet strands will help them retain their natural moisture and prevent breakage and loss. Towel drying your hair gently can help to preserve the natural oils in your scalp, which will help it to produce more over time. Although it might be tempting to let your hair air dry after a dip in the pool or a quick shower, don’t do it. Wet hair is more prone to breakage than dry hair, so use a towel to pat your strands as much of the moisture out as possible. Once it’s damp, you can style it as usual.

  1. Use Silk Bedding and Pillowcases

According to most hair experts, sleeping on a silk pillowcase can help to reduce breakage, which is generally caused by the friction and pulling of your hair against sheets. So while it might seem odd that a pillowcase could make such a difference, silk is ideal for this purpose as it contains small air pockets that reduce friction and pull on your hair.

In a Nutshell

Maintaining healthy hair requires a holistic approach encompassing good hair care practices, a healthy lifestyle, and self-care. Healthy hair enhances your physical appearance and boosts your self-confidence and overall well-being. Following the ten tips outlined in this blog post can effectively prevent hair damage, promote healthy hair growth, and achieve beautiful and vibrant hair. Jamboshoppe stocks various hair care products to enhance your hair’s health and make the perfect styling solution. Browse our catalog of hair care products online today.


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